In a new on msid , the Koranic school, the Moroccan Abdelfattah Kilito said that the word of God “must be learned by heart, kept in the heart and constantly meditated.” I believe this could be true for much of what is taught to children. Learning must be seized only partly and sometimes contradictory way. The school should be the place where we cultivate the memory. As the exercise of learning never stops, the process of decoding the mysteries encoded in their young hearts must continue forever.
The great revelation of learning should happen when the individual is detached from childhood to focus on the community.In ancient msid when the father is driving his son, he said to the master: You, you kill, I buried . In these religious schools, teaching was based on violence and humiliation, with parental consent. This company was forged on the belief that man must first bury his childhood to find the mature age.
This death was a symbolic death, after which the child is separated from his innocence through the sacred texts. The natural revolt against what is understood only half repressed by blows.Abdelfatah Kilito tells a past incident in msid when a young student named Fa revolt against the blows inflicted by their master. And oddly, children placed themselves on the side of their teacher.
The demand for education without violence, claimed by Fa, threatened in the subconscious of the students the power of the master, but also the father and, little by little, all the educational and social system thereafter. To be effective, education should contain a veiled threat, though never implemented. The school must be completely free of the insignia of power, scepter that gives it authority.
Today we reduced too knowing, simplifying it, making the humble, devoid of mystery. It is possible that the respect of the student to his teacher was dissolved by this liberalization and simplification of education. The new school reforms did everything to transform the school into a place where we have fun, where learning must be obligatorily entertaining.
The master does not deserve as much respect as the knowledge spread by him are apparently easily accessible. By cons, when students do not understand what they are taught, they rebel against the teacher, the family and society. They project a generalized fault against those who force them to actions which escape its logic, and which they refuse to submit.Disobedience then becomes contempt and ultimately a violent weapon against adults. It forbade masters to admonish and even give bad grades.
Parents, for their part, have become tyrants who decide instead of teachers who accept no criticism at their children. Children’s education should look like, at least from time to time, to study the scriptures. Maybe just as the Bible and the Koran, knowledge imparted to children must be entered hypothetically partially. This encrypted education will become clear later, when the master lose its attributes of God.